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Strauss’ Towering Alpine Symphony 2024-2025

Bruce Liu performs Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 3 in C minor, with Richard Strauss’ expansive Alpine Symphony completing this program conducted by Rafael Payare.

Season Presenting Partner

For his return to the Maison symphonique, Bruce Liu will perform Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 3 in C minor, known for its intensity and profound expressiveness. In contrast to this, the vast soundscape of Richard Strauss’ Alpine Symphony evokes the colossal grandeur of the Bavarian Alps. Iman Habibi reflects upon the climate crisis by placing his Jeder Baum spricht in perspective with Beethoven’s 5th and 6th symphonies.


Orchestre symphonique de Montréal

Rafael Payare, conductor

Bruce Liu, piano


Iman Habibi, Jeder Baum spricht [Every Tree Speaks] (7 min) *

*Canadian work

Ludwig van Beethoven, Piano Concerto no. 3 in C minor, op. 37 *

  • Allegro con brio
  • Andante
  • Rondo (Allegro)

Intermission (20 min)

Richard Strauss, Eine Alpensinfonie [An Alpine Symphony], op. 64, TrV 233 (47 min)

The OSM wishes to inform you that a change has been made to your concert: pianist Bruce Liu will perform Beethoven’s Piano Concerto No. 3 instead of Scriabin’s Concerto. The rest of the program remains unchanged.
This change does not affect the validity of your tickets.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. For any questions, please contact the OSM’s customer service..

Total duration105minutes

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